Wednesday, May 9, 2007

aesthetics aside.

Today I really screwed up. I needed mulch around my plants and I am allergic so I went and got straw from the farmers co-op. Straw does fine in your garden. It has the look of a classic gradpa garden. Straw in your front yard beds looks really bad.
I would describe this look at super-crappy and a bit trashy. My hope is that when my husband sees it he will be so ticked at me he will go immediatly buy some mulch and cover it up. The gardener part of me that is missing is the aesthetic part. Weed pulling rates right up there with pooper scooping.

Frugal tips with food:

1. Grow your own. Everyone can grow something. Get a book or ask someone you know to teach you. Every year by trial and error I do a little more. I am getting more accomplished every year.

2. The front and back page of the weekly ad (usually comes out in the Wedn. paper)
has your loss leaders. These are the best deal in the paper. This may be a repeat tip but it bears repeating. You can save tons of money if you only buy off these two pages and stock up when they are on sale.

3. It goes with out saying: eat out less. I had coffee at one girlfriends house this morning and this afternoon another friend brought some groceries over and I used what I had and we had a really good Vietanmese soup. Conversation was as good as it would have been out and I didn't have to get dressed up.


1 comment:

carmielynn :-) said...

Hey Courtney!
Congrats on this blog, very interesting & quite informative. Your mom sent it to me & it has kept me up about 30 minutes past my bedtime, but thanks!
I'll keep checking in - Carmen