Thursday, July 26, 2007

Money and your food.

How does one save money on food and toiletries? With four kids and usually friends and neighbors over our groceries disappear fast. In our time together we have been through all levels on the grocery budget. Here are some ideas you can use to eat healthy and save money. There is a lot of info in my past blogs also that I won't include here. So read those too. Some will fit your life and some may not, pick and choose.

1. Go vegetarian or semi- vegetarian. Meat is costly to eat and produce. Producing meat cost the environment greatly. Gradually reduce you're consumption, soon you won't miss it. My family used to complain daily, now I rarely hear anything. Some meatless ideas: whole grain pasta with veggies and sauce, grilled cheese and tomato soup, high protein pancakes, cheese pizza on whole grain crust, bean burritos, guacamole tostada's and wraps made with cream cheese and veggies (add a little Spike seasoning): YUMMY.

2. Organics are getting cheaper, if you can purchase them on sale do so. Store brand organics are widely available now. Still buy in season. At present organic blue berries and raspberries are the same price as non-organic at Kroger.

3. Reduce packaging use less paper products (use rags) and highly packaged foods. When we travel I pack cups and ice water plus a soft cooler of fruit, nuts and crackers.

4. Go to your farmers market.
Buy local. Buy from road side produce stands. Stock up on sweet potatoes, fall squash, anything that you can freeze, can, or store for winter.

6. Keep powdered milk and add it to your regular milk. I buy organic milk 50% of the time. Due to the huge increase in milk prices I have had to cut back on my kids consumption. I serve more decaf tea, homemade lemonade, ice water and juice. Some brands of tea bags work really well twice, meaning you can get two pitchers of tea by reboiling them. Remember to compost them.
This works with coffee also. Day one make coffee the regular way, then save the grounds. Day two add half as much coffee to the previous days grounds and add the same amount of water as you did on day one. You save half the amount of coffee you would have used and I swear you cannot tell the difference. Compost those grounds!!!

7. Only purchase cereals that are on sale and have at least two grams or more of fiber per serving and look on the top and bottom shelves for these. Its best to do away with boxed cereal all together if you are on a budget. Oatmeal is much less expensive.

8. If its sliced or diced or chilled for you its probably more expensive. Chop your own veggies and cheese. Make your own cereal.

9. Two of my favorite books for grocery help are
The Tightwad Gazette
and More With Less.

10. Add beans, whole grains, fresh fruit and veggies. Drink water. If you live in Hot Springs you have no excuse for not drinking good water.

11. Go to the library and learn how to cook EASY & HEALTHY. I am met with resistance all the time that healthy eating is expensive and hard. It's not if you educate yourself. Disease is expensive and hard. Health is worth every penny.



Facebook.Com/FindCash said...

Saving our planet is a very noble cause that more of us should take heart and do more to help with.


坐忘居士 said...

Vegetarian is good!~ just say hi to you. :)