Monday, July 16, 2007

More tips for our planet

1. Use cloth napkins. Use rags to clean. Reduce your use of paper towels.Even recycled paper towels end up in land fills. I do compost these if they are not bleached.

2. Give gifts of time, service, tickets to events museums and gardens etc....

3. Vacation close to home.

4. Use both sides of paper and only buy recycled computer paper.

5. Limit evenings and weekends away from home so you have more down time.

6. Hang some laundry: this is really theraputic.

7. Cook from scratch.

8. Say "yes" consiously.

9. Sit up straight, take a deep breath and count four counts in and exhale six counts out, imagine breathing into you navel and empty your breath completley.

10. Stand up reach up like you want to touch the sky and then fold at your hip joint ( where your hips and legs connects) then hang like a rag doll. Stay here and let tension drain from your back then come up slow with your chin down to avoid dizziness. (do not do if you have high blood pressure or glaucoma)

1 comment:

misspolar said...

i think your ideas for helping the planets are great i already starded some.