Friday, April 27, 2007

little things matter

Little things matter. Have you ever heard "Eat an elephant one bite at a time"?
When it comes to saving money and the enviroment the little things really matter.
You have a chance to do something big only once in a great while. For example, buying a car. You can choose a gas guzzler, a hybrid or a car that gets plain good gas milage. This will save you money and help reduce your carbon footprint. However on a daily basis you can choose how much you drive:this can really add up quickly.

1. Consider driving an older car as long as you can. Consuming less of the worlds goods is good for the enviroment. Keep it tuned up, change the oil, rotate the tires and a good car will last a long time. I have a 1998 Honda Oddessey and it's still going stong at 23 to 26 m.p.g. This hauls our family of six just fine.

2. Plan your trips effectively making a cirle around town. U.P.S. does this minimizing left turns. I plan to run errands on days I have appointments or have to work. I plan my errands around the same part of town. Sometimes if I have a lot to do I write out a list and number it in order of easy drive ability. This way I go in a general circle and keep my milage as low as possible.

3. Run errnds with a friend or carpool. If public transportation is an option use it. If you can walk or ride a bike even better.


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